
Apply for Early Career Workshop

ISLS Annual Meeting 2021 (Online Event)
Reflecting the Past and Embracing the Future
Bochum, Germany, June 8-11
Workshops: June 1-7

Call for Applications: Early Career Workshop

Please submit your application, extended until January 19, 2021, to: https://isls2021.exordo.com (Submission closed)

**New** In order to be maximally inclusive and accommodate participants across multiple time zones as well as to take into account time restrictions due to family duties, we may begin the Early Career Workshop the week prior to the conference.

Organizers & Contact

Julia Eberle, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany ([email protected])
Marcela Borge, Pennsylvania State University, USA ([email protected])
Roberto Martinez-Maldonado, Monash University, Australia ([email protected])

Contact us for all questions regarding the workshop.

Important dates

  • January 19, 2021 (extended) – Applications due, submitted via Ex Ordo system
  • Feb 20, 2021 – Notification of acceptance
  • March 8, 2021 – Submission of the final abstract for publication in proceedings (Camera Ready)
  • June 7-11, 2021 – ISLS Annual Meeting

Workshop description

The aim of the workshop is to provide an opportunity for researchers early in their careers working in the Learning Sciences and Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning to 

  • Present and discuss their own research and receive constructive feedback;
  • Discuss and receive advice on challenges early career researchers are facing in the Learning Sciences and Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, such as developing a career plan and a research agenda, going abroad, collaboration as an interdisciplinary and international field that builds on a range of different methodological approaches, publication strategies, work organization (e.g. making time to read and write), being a mentor / supervisor, engaging in scientific communities, and work-life-balance;
  • Build networks with fellow early career researchers interested in similar topics (also cross-disciplinary and cross-methodological) and also with mentoring senior researchers.

A number of activities are planned to address these topics, including panel and small group discussions, presentations, and conversations with peers and mentors, as well as social activities. Mentors are experienced researchers and members of ISLS from all over the world. 


**New** The workshop will run prior to the ISLS Annual Meeting 2021 in Bochum, Germany. The organizers will structure the time slots to accommodate the specific needs of the cohort. The workshop will be run online. A detailed schedule will be published about a month or so prior to the event.

Application instructions

Who should apply?

Application is open to scholars who have received their PhD not more than five years ago and who are employed in a research position at an academic institution (typically a university) or equivalent / comparable institution (e.g. SRI, ETS, Fraunhofer, Max-Planck institutes). 

How to apply?

To apply please submit one PDF document with the following five sections:

  1. A cover sheet with your name, institution, email address, personal webpage, and postal address.
  2. A current curriculum vitae and list of publications
  3. A one-page narrative description of your current position, including the type of institution where you work and your job responsibilities (including teaching, research, mentoring, and committee work).
  4. A two-page summary of your research, including theoretical framework, methods used, and plans for moving forward in conference style. It should become clear from your summary how your research relates to Learning Sciences / CSCL research. This paper will be the basis for the two-page paper that will be published in the proceedings.
  5. Filled in questionnaire describing your relation to the ISLS (download the template through this link) and a brief statement of potential benefit of your participation in the Early Career Workshop to the Learning Sciences community and to you (including topics you would like to see addressed in the workshop).

Please submit all papers in one file in PDF format. The application should be submitted via Ex Ordo submission system: https://isls2021.exordo.com

Participation is limited and competitive. Selection criteria include eligibility requirements, scientific quality of the proposal, potential benefit of the participation to the applicant and the Learning Sciences community, and the assembly of a productive and diverse cohort regarding institutions, topics, disciplines, and nationalities.